Located in the heart of the Sweetwater Historic District, we are a small, friendly and loving church family.
We invite you to worship with us on Sundays at 11 a.m.

601 Church Street

Sweetwater, TN 37874

   Church Calendar

  Sunday, March 23

10 a.m. — Coffee and Conversation, Fellowship Hall.

11 a.m. — Worship, Sanctuary. Keith Wheeler is preaching.

Wednesday, March  26

6 p.m. — Potluck Fellowship Meal, Fellowship Hall. Joyce Eckert is hosting.

Afterward — Prayer time and Bible Study, Fellowship Hall.

Sunday, March 30

10 a.m. — Coffee and Conversation, Fellowship Hall.

11 a.m. — Worship, Sanctuary. Keith Wheeler is preaching.


Presbytery of East Tennessee Newsletter                            Sanctuary Rededication Service from Dec. 8

March News for Presbyterian Women of East Tennessee